Friday, June 17, 2011

Patton's in Paris: Part 2

Patton’s Part 2

I know I am a TERRIBLE blogger but I will catch everyone up!

The next day, Corie had to be up early in the morning to head out. I woke up, and headed over to the hotel to meet them.  CORIE WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH THE METRO THIS TIME! HAHA! Meanwhile, Emery and I headed to an American Restaurant for breakfast. I thought it was funny that scrambled eggs here are fried eggs chopped up. Whatever the case it was nice to have a little touch of home.

Emery had washed some clothes at the guy’s apartment, and the dryer broke so he and I were off to find a laundry mat.  (My washer wasn’t working and had almost snapped my finger off the day before) We got lost finding it and went into a dry cleaner to ask for help. As we approached the door a man walked out and I asked if he spoke English and he responded that he did and he was American. We struck up conversation and come to find out it was Jack McGraw ( ), the actor from The Fighter. He played Mark Walberg’s dad in the film. I haven’t seen the movie but I will back in the States, because this guy was one of the nicest people I had met in Paris. I could kick myself for not asking for a photo.

After drying Emery’s clothes, we headed back to my apartment (because Emery had checked out) so that he could get ready to leave on his flight. Emery did brave the metro again and I took him all the way to where he needed to get on the train. I wasn’t expected that right when we arrived on the platform the train came and it was a rushed goodbye. I don’t know what came over me but I just felt a huge rush of “Oh my gosh, I no longer have family in Paris” and started bawling. I had such a wonderful time with the Patton’s and I loved knowing that if something went wrong, I had family a few (hot and sticky) metro stops away. In a city where I am constantly lost in translation there is there is no translating how much I loved uncovering bits of Paris with the Patton’s. I was quite the scene leaving the metro; trying to wipe the tears as soon as they fell, but if anyone has seen me cry I looked tragic.

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